It stretches the hamstrings and hips. Side Lunge (Skandasana) in Yoga Search
When you're looking for a great hip-opening pose, turn to the Side Lunge (Skandasana). This is a common yoga pose that stretches your hips and hamstrings and helps build your core strength. It's a relatively simple lunge, making it perfect for beginners and regular practice. This version of Skandasana was popularized by Shiva Rea in her trance-dance flow sequences. It is sometimes used as a transitional pose. Advanced students will also enjoy some challenging variations.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Begin in Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana).
2. Bend your left knee into a half-squat. Keep your right leg straight and flex your foot so that your toes leave the floor so you are resting on the right heel.
3.There are a lot of options for arm variations. Keep your hands on the floor if you need them for balance. Otherwise, try bending your elbows and bring your hands into anjali mudra (palms together) with the left elbow inside the left knee in a kind of half Garland Pose (Malasana).
4.Drop your hands to the floor for support and shift to the other side.
Modifications and variations
As with most poses, you can do this pose in different ways to meet your skill level.Safety and Precautions
Avoid this pose if you have an injury to your hip, knee, or ankle. Discuss your plans with your doctor or physical therapist to find out what is appropriate. If you feel any sharp pain in this pose, gently come out of the pose.
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